Monday, June 22, 2009

Back in Belton

So, today was the day I left Denton. It still doesn't quite feel right, knowing I am no longer a resident of the Little D. A strange feeling has sat in my stomach today, I'm incapable of describing it; I only know it is a product of my emotions.

I'm trying to be positive about spending a month here with my parents and my brothers. I'm glad I have a unique opportunity to reconnect with my family here before I leave them for another state. I also figure I should get to know Temple/Belton a little better, since I have been away for 6 years and tend to find myself a little puzzled about where things are. After a frustration on 57th street in Temple today, followed by a frustrated exit from Target (the Temple city planners might be smoking crack-- you can't easily get from Target to the Loop!), I started to plan a list of things I should do here. Here's the start of the list.

Before I leave Central Texas I will:
-Find a recycling center and implement a recycling program at my parents' house
-Visit the train museum
-Eat a burger at Crow's
-Listen to some free music
-Go to the lake!
-Find a good non-Starbucks coffee shop to read/write in
-Spend a day at a park
-Make myself sick on Mexican food so I don't miss it too much in Pennsylvania
-See some movies I haven't seen (recommendations welcome-- Jason works at the video store! I can catch up on all of this movie watching I haven't done!)
-Figure out that mess on the Loop that I don't understand

Fair list. I promise to write about my adventures and post pictures/videos as often as possible!


  1. Hey Katie, blogs are great, aren't they? I am going to add you to my blog list so I can hear all about my PA and get a little homesick myself.

  2. For those about to blog, I salute you! I've wanted to keep a steady blog for a while now, maybe this time I can keep one going.

  3. Excellent, guys! I'm not very good at this Blogger bit yet, since I've been on Xanga for so long-- but I'm givin' it a go! :)

  4. hey hey hey! I did my first blog! Yay! I am adding you all right now... go add me!!!
