After the wedding last night, I got a text message from the one guy I dated semi-seriously in high school. We texted back & forth for a bit, and he invited me out to have a couple of beers at his friend's house. It wasn't too far from my parent's house, so I headed over there and had a few beers. I'm glad I was drinking: ex-boyfriend=biggest douche of all ex-boyfriends. Details to be shared privately (ask & you shall receive).
The victory of the night is that I managed to drink at the wedding & at the gathering of douches and managed not to smoke one cigarette! Not a puff, even! It took a large amount of willpower & it probably really helped that I worked out yesterday. I did have cigarette-smoking dreams last night, though, a real raw throat included. Overcoming addiction is just as difficult as everyone says it is. I'm positive I'm in the right mindset to put this past me though, for good.
I'm headed up to Denton tomorrow for the Continuity Day with NSTWP, and I'm looking for a place to crash after our get-together. I'll be in town through Tuesday, early.
Go ahead, pass this on to anyone in need of douchebag affirmation:
Oh, Tex, I wish I had read this one before seeing you today. I'd have asked for details. ;-)